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Midlands Branch Report 2017




The Midlands Branch meets on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY every month

At 19:00 hrs at the TA Centre Carlton

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.

The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation

(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).



I am pleased to report that the Branch has had a very good year. I am also pleased to report that the branch is in a good financial position due to the concerted efforts of Val Richards, the assistant Treasurer, along with the continued support from the Branch Committee and the Membership.


New members are always welcome. All ex members of the SRY, serving members or ex members of the RYR, or if you were, or are attached to either, or were or are affiliated to the SRY, you are automatically a member of the Midlands Branch by right. We will always be pleased to see you at our monthly meetings, which are held on the fourth Wednesday each month at the TA Centre Carlton, by kind permission of the Squadron Leader Major Simon Hallsworth.


Please remember to let us know your full address and telephone number, so that we can keep you informed of our Branch activities.



Visits and Events during 2017


We have had a busy year beginning with The Regimental OCA Annual dinner took place on 22nd April 2017, and our thanks go to John our Midland Branch Chairman for all of his hard work in organising this event, and not forgetting those who ably assisted him.


In May, the OCA Cavalry Memorial Parade in Hyde Park took place.


Also in May members of the Branch attended the Forties Day celebrations in the grounds of Nottingham Castle, where we manned a stall, this enabled us to give out information to the public about the SRY and its history.


The Branch organised a weekend trip on 20th May to the Imperial War Museum in London and on the following day by a visit to Bletchley Park.  The weekend was enjoyed by all.


At the end of September our Branch had its now annual trip to Bournemouth. On the Saturday we visited Portsmouth for the day with various groups visiting their respective places of interest, and in the evening we had our formal dinner, where we were accompanied by Col Dick Taylor, and Captain Mel Taylor, we were also joined by Mr. & Mrs David Clarke the only remaining Southern Branch members.


Sunday saw us visiting Christchurch in the rain, we then moved on to Bournemouth air museum, again the rain stopped the visit, and so it was back to the hotel, but despite the rain on Sunday the weekend proved to be a great success.


Our Remembrance parade took place as usual in Newark on Sunday the 12th of November. I would ask for those who are able, to make a concerted effort to boost the numbers next year. If you have a problem with transport please would you make any of the branch committee aware, we will always try to assist whenever possible.


In late 2017 our Vice Chairman Mike Freeman has moved to live in Poole Dorset, and has agreed to continue with the Branch Newsletter, and will liaise with the secretary accordingly, the position of Assistant Treasurer has been taken over by Mrs. Val Richards.


Moving into 2018 on the 13th January, the Branch had a late Christmas Dinner at the Vale Social Club, Colwick, and with 46 people attending was another great success.


Branch attendance, over the eleven 2017 meetings at the Carlton ARC has held up, with an average of 29 per meeting.





On the welfare side, if you are aware of anyone who has passed away, or is suffering or in need, please contact Donald Brown or another committee member.  The Midlands Branch has always had a special interest in the welfare of the Association members and widows and we actively support the Widows' Fund.





Our AGM was held on the 28th February at Carlton ARC, which was followed by our normal Branch meeting.


Chris Woodward will retire from the position of Branch Treasurer at the AGM, but will remain on the Branch committee, and we thank Chris for his many years in that position, and we look forward to retaining Chris's wide experience on the committee. The Committee are delighted to announce that Val Richards has agreed to carry on as the Branch Treasurer.


The Branch voted for a 3 year tenure at the 2016 AGM). The SRYA Midlands Branch Committee to run from 24th February 2016, and until the February 2019 AGM (Due to unforeseen circumstances the membership of the committee has now been revised to the following.



Midlands Branch Committee for 2016-18  (revised)


Branch Chairman         Mr John Maltby           01159  744  092

Secretary                        Mr Tony Higton           01949  875  749

Treasurer                        Mrs Val Richards        01157  795  663

Welfare Visitor              Mr Don Brown             01159  877  802

Assistant Secretary        Mrs Ann Barrow          01623  401  495

Newsletter Editor            Mr. Mike Freeman      01158  409  861

Events Co-ordinator       Mr. Brian Brown

Committee                      Mr. Chris Woodward   01159  879  915



Tony Higton (Midland Branch Secretary)

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.

The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation

(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).

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