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This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.

The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation

(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).

Midlands Branch Report 2018




The Midlands Branch meets on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY every month

At 20:00 hrs at the ARC, Carlton



I am pleased to report that the Branch has had a very good year. I am also pleased to report that the branch is in a good financial position due to the concerted efforts of Val Richards, the assistant Treasurer, along with the continued support from the Branch Committee and the Membership.


New members are always welcome. All ex members of the SRY, serving members or ex members of the RYR, or if you were, or are attached to either, or were or are affiliated to the SRY, you are automatically a member of the Midlands Branch by right. We will always be pleased to see you at our monthly meetings, which are held on the fourth Wednesday each month at the TA Centre Carlton, by kind permission of the Squadron Leader Major Simon Hallsworth.


Please remember to let us know your full address and telephone number, so that we can keep you informed of our Branch activities.



Visits and Events during 2018


We have had a busy year beginning with The Regimental OCA Annual dinner which took place on 21st  April 2018.  It was the evening that Col. Jonathan Hunt retired as President of the Association, he was presented with 2 Saladin armoured car models in appreciation of his service.  Major Adrian Charman was introduced to everyone, he will be taking over from Colonel Hunt.   A presentation was also made to Chris Woodward of a Comet tank, for his long and much valued service as the Midlands Branch Treasurer .  Our thanks go to John our Midlands Branch Chairman, and his team for all of their hard work in organising this event.


SRY OCA Midlands Branch Outing to the NMA on 14th August 2018

On Tuesday 14th August 20 members of the Midlands Branch visited the National Memorial Arboretum.  The day included a tour of the Arboretum, talks from the NMA staff, an exhibition and a film presentation.  Our thanks go to Brian Brown for organising the day, also to John and Val for their help.  


SRY NMA Memorial Parade on 29th September 2018

15 members of the SRY OCA Midlands Branch along attended the dedication of the SRY memorial at the NMA.  The Branch had decided not to march, but to form a Guard of Honour.  The parade marched to the band of the Royal Yeomanry.  The welcome and Introduction was delivered by Colonel RML Colville, and the unveiling of the memorial was carried out by Sir John Peace the Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire.  All agreed that it had been a very good day, and, we congratulate the organisers.  The new SRY Memorial is indeed a fitting memorial to the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry


SRY Midlands Branch outing to Bournemouth 5th to 8th October 2018

28 members of the SRY Midlands Branch, took part in our annual trip to Bournemouth and we were delighted to be joined by our President Mr. Derek Cooper and his wife Pam.  Spirits were high with the 4 day break to look forward to, our driver Alan Atkinson ensuring our safe arrival at the Tower House Hotel Bournemouth.  We were then delighted to be joined by David and Celia Clarke the last of the Southern Branch members, who shared the weekend with us.


Saturday morning found that the weather had deteriorated, with wind and rain, so it was decided that we would have our bus trip out on the Sunday when the weather was forecast to be much better.  So with our free day in Bournemouth everyone did their own thing with some making the short walk into Bournemouth to explore the shops, and other watering holes, with some visiting the Russell-Cotes House museum, and Art Gallery.  Saturday night was one of the highlights of the weekend with our formal dinner when we were joined by Mike Freeman our Newsletter Editor, and Damian Brown, After dinner, we enjoyed our entertainment, a local lady named Claire Timms, and a good night was had by all.


On Sunday we enjoyed an outing to Weymouth and another superb meal I the evening followed by more musical entertainment.  I am sure I speak for all when I give a big thank you to John our Chairman, Alan our driver, Val, and Brian making this such a brilliant week end.


Remembrance parade

The Remembrance parade took place as usual in Newark on Sunday 11th November, sadly due to health issues, and other commitments, few Branch members were on parade


Vale Social Club

On 19th January 2019 the Branch had our annual social at the Vale Social Club, Colwick, and with 46 people attending it was another great success.





On the welfare side, if you are aware of anyone who has passed away, or is suffering or in need, please contact Donald Brown or another committee member.  The Midlands Branch has always had a special interest in the welfare of the Association members and widows and we actively support the Widows' Fund. I finish this report on a sad note by reporting the sad passing Bill Haywood, a long time Midlands Branch Member.





Our AGM was held on the 27h February at Carlton ARC, which was followed by our normal Branch meeting.



Midlands Branch Committee for 2019 - 22


Branch Chairman         Mr John Maltby            01159  744  092

Vice Chairman                Mr David Dobbins       07740  203  298

Secretary                        Mr Tony Higton           01949  875  749

Treasurer                        Mrs Val Richards        01157  795  663

Welfare Visitor              Mr Don Brown             01159  877  802

Newsletter Editor            Mr. Mike Freeman       01158  409  861

Events Co-ordinator       Mr. Brian Brown           01159  307  050



Tony Higton (Midland Branch Secretary)

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.

The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation

(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).

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