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From 2005 the Royal Yeomanry became a CBRN Warfare Reconnaissance Regiment. Accordingly the Sherwood Rangers were trained as CBRN recce, including traditional reconnaissance in vehicles and on foot, with some individuals also trained for specific roles such as Forward Air Controller. Their common purpose was to support the joint CBRN Regiment and the affiliated regular Formation Reconnaissance Regiments on operations. The CBRN specialism also meant that in addition to supporting the regular Army abroad, Sherwood Rangers would be a vital element of the response to a terrorist attack or emergency within the United Kingdom. They continued to play an important part in Britain’s security.

Our latest role is as a Light Cavalry unit whose job is to deliver an all-weather, all terrain reconnaissance capability; covertly operating in front of friendly troops to gather intelligence on the enemy and the battle-space, using the new RWMIK lightly armoured Land Rover patrol vehicles.
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